Pipeline Crossing Solutions

The Crossings Suite

Manage pipeline crossings seamlessly with our integrated tools. From design to record-keeping, streamline workflows, and reduce manual data input.

Manage pipeline crossings seamlessly with our integrated tools. From design to record-keeping, streamline workflows, and reduce manual data input.

Elevate Pipeline Crossing Management

The Technical Toolboxes Crossings Suite equips pipeline engineering teams with integrated GIS tools to handle pipeline crossings across their entire lifecycle. From design and operation to record-keeping and encroachment management, our software solutions streamline data sharing, reducing repetitive manual input, and ensuring alignment across the organization.

What You’re Getting With The Crossing Suite

pipeline engineer integrity software

Pipeline Toolbox

Comprehensive crossings capabilities paired with advanced functionality

  • API 1102, Wheel Load, Track Load, and CEPA and much more

  • Batch run capabilities to run up to 50 crossings cases at once

  • Advanced sensitivity analysis to determine complex crossing thresholds 

Crossing Workflow

Wheel and track load analysis for multiple vehicles over pipelines.

  • Automate Mulit-Pipe Wheel and Track Load Calculation

  • Address multiple vehicles over pipelines

  • Automated iteration of wheel and track load analysis

Crossing workflow for pipeline engineering teams,
Complex Borehole Analysis- pipeline crossings

HDD PowerTool

Advanced tools for borehole stability, pipe pull-through, & more.

  • Confidence in your HDD Designs

  • Comprehensive Calculations

  • Complex Borehole Analysis

Encroachment Manager

Centralized calculations and reports for streamlined management.

  • Improving SOP Alignment

  • Structured for Data Storage

  • Accelerated Crossing Decisions

  • Improve Quality Control and Response on Audits

pipeline crossings- There are many factors to consider when evaluating the technical feasibility of an Horizontal Directional Drilling project, for the Crossing Suite

The Crossings Suite combines solutions to challenges


HDD PowerTool Demo Video Included in The Crossing Suite

How Soil Types Impacts HDD Design/Construction Part 1

Pipeline Crossings Solutions for Oil & Gas Engineering Excellence

Improving ROI while maintaining operational efficiency and safety

Solution buyers’ guide for the crossing engineering

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